Monday, October 26, 2009

Sam's First Haircut

I cried, I sobbed. Later that day, I cried again. Writing this now...four days later...I am crying again. What is wrong with me? A haircut of our youngest has triggered some type of melt-down.

It has hit me. We are officially done birthing children. No more babies. Are we complete as a family of five and dog in tow? Our family has been blessed with three, is that all there will be? With our crazy schedules, how could we possibly fit another in? With our ages - my husband thinks I am off my rocker. My body, my brain, and the doctors have said no more. But, my heart, oh my heart, it still swells knowing that I could love another. So does a woman ever get over that tug, that yearning? Why am I so divided? Am I supposed to do something with these feelings other than suppress them?

Tomorrow is a new day. Another day to enjoy the three lovely boys we have. I will smother my family with love.


  1. its funny...... I have said for years that you were born to be a maybe somehow, somewhere there is yet another one..........perhaps a litte girl or maybe even another bundle of boy for you to bring home and let them call you "mom". and even if they all say you must shut the door complelty. my, sweet girl, you and God can always leave the window cracked! I love you tears and all!


  2. Wow I always told her she missed her mark she should be working for Hallmark....and yes my sweet no one could say it better...but on the lighter side didn't see to bother Sam..Love and hugs Co Co
