Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sir Isaac Newton III

This is a post that I have been attempting to write for a few days. A post that I needed to put in writing for that some day. Some day when I can look back at this date, and think, wow, we had a lot of time. Some day when the unthinkable happens. When we might be faced with a decision. A decision that no one ever wants to make. A decision to end a life. A life that is like no other. A life that we chose to be part of our family. A being that we looked at and said "Yup, he's the one, he will be our son".

Today, I can't even imagine for Isaac not to be part of our picture.

Isaac had surgery this week and was diagnosed with a rare Nerve Sheath Tumor. Fortunately, the vet was able to excise enough surrounding tissue to prevent I-Z from having any further treatment. Luckily, for now, we did not have to make any of the hard decisions that we could be faced with for this type of cancer. We watch him closely now for any changes. We are told that it is very likely that it will grow back.

What does this all mean? Information was shared before they took him to surgery about new springer pups in our area. The mother and the father are known by our vet and she wanted us to know that now might be a good time to have Isaac help us train a puppy. What?! What am I supposed to do with this information? It is stuck in my throat right now and won't come out. I can't say this out loud without emotion. She was talking about getting ready for some day.

For now I can't think about this. For now, I have to believe that we have many more years with Isaac. We just have to. It isn't time yet.

1 comment:

  1. all I can tell my my sweet is that you will know when its time for both........and know that I will be there for both.

    I love you more than I love myself.
