Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Summer Weeks are Ticking By....

Ethan, Noah & Owen playing dress up in this picture!

So N & O have finished up swimming at the Y. Our cousins have returned to Arkansas with Uncle Larry and Aunt Cathy to leave this coming Friday. The library summer reading camp has ended with huge participation. We watched a wonderful couple share nuptials. Celebrated with a couple of friends whose children have graduated. A celebration of friendship at the McNeely home. Went to the drive-ins. Lacrosse. Fishing. Some sleepovers for both boys. A girl/boy birthday party that N attended. A passing of a friends Grandmother. A celebration of loved ones who have been married 50 years. Caught up with the great grandparents. Enjoying some veggies from our garden. Basking in a few of the sun rays that have been shining down. Read a great book by James Patterson. Overindulging on ice cream at our favorite summer spots. Feeding hungry boys who eat like every 2 hours, I swear! Mowing grass and attempting to keep up with the weeds. And in less than one week we leave for our first summer trip. Whew!

This week will be spent catching up on housework (huge, huge piles of laundry to be done). Along with welcoming to town more cousins--this time from the Elliott side. Tom, Erin and the kids from Idaho. We also hope to catch up with some of the Jones Family that are visiting from North Carolina. Plus our nephew, Ethan, will turn 4 on 7/22.

Hope you are enjoying your summer surrounded by the ones you love!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love those three faces

    Aunt Co Co
    I am reading a good book by James Patterson Swinsuit....
